5 Rejuvenating foods for Your health for Spring

Flowers are blooming, days are getting longer and the winds of change are in the air as we move from Winter to Spring.  Spring is the time of birth and rejuvenation- the new.  It’s a great time to reset as in ancient times Spring was considered the beginning of a new year.

It's important to be mindful of seasonal changes when planning our meals. We can get the best nutrients from our fruits and vegetables by consuming them this way. Our body experiences a transition from one season to the next and what better way to support it with the foods that are designed for this time of year?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) each season is associated with not just seasonal food but a pair of organs, temperature, color, taste, body structure and sense, to name a few. 


Organ: Liver/Gall Bladder

Sense organ: Eyes/Seeing

Body area: Nails

Body area: Joints

Emotion: Anger

Element: Wind

Color: Green

Taste: Sour


  • Milk Thistle 

An awesome bitter herb that’s known as a protector of the liver.  It also help support the liver’s detoxification process.  

  • Lemon

Lemon water (or lime water for that matter) is an easy way to get in the sour taste associated with Spring.  Sour helps to stimulate the digestive process. Lime may be better if sensitive to the initial acidity of lemon.

  • Leafy greens 

Dandelion greens, spinach, lettuce and kale provide gentle detoxification support for the liver. 

  • Cucumber, celery, radish

Powerfully cooling, these food are light yet mighty.  When experiencing signs of liver heat such as being warm natured, easily irritated, prone to migraine, insomnia, or skin rash- cucumber, celery and radishes can be helpful.

  • Micro algae- (chlorella, spirulina, blue green algae) and sea greens

Think green.  Micro and sea greens can be beneficial most of the year and particularly so in the Spring. They are cooling for the liver which has a tendency to overheat. Mirco algae and sea greens also provide helpful minerals and are great for cellular renewal.

Of course, like always please make sure these foods are harmonious for you mind-body-spirt.  Check with your healthcare provider before incorporating a new herb/food to ensure no interactions or allergic reactions.

I hope this has been insightful for you!

Lisa Upshaw

Lisa Upshaw is an acupuncturist and holistic healer whose intention is not just to help alleviate symptoms but to show others how they can become their own best healer. By learning to pay attention to the body's signals and approaching wellness care from a mind-body-spirit perspective, she believes that true transformational wellness can be attained.


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